YD Store

Paper Pot…

Did you realize that it’s the attention to detail that always makes a difference? Sure you can just have a bunch of paper napkins sitting…

Bombshell Greens

The Peaceful Bomb Vase reminds me of the Seedbomb project, which had a similar intent. The only difference that Seedbomb was peaceful bombing of seed-capsules…

Prized Animal Heads!

We are against blood and gore here at YD that hunting or hurting animals is so not our scene! The only way we like to…

Pour Me a Glass of Coin

This is the Teapot Coin Bank, and it’s definitely not the LEAST strange bank I’ve seen all day. Heck, it’s not the least strange bank…

That’s No Newspaper for Rain

It’s a well-made piece of water-resistant canvas made for rain. It’s called the “Newspaper Rain Bag” and it’s 45.5 x 30.5cm of ironic rain-blocking paper…