February, 2008

Water Ball Ripples

Water Ball Ripples

The Ripple faucet creates a new, fun way to interact with water. Drawing inspiration from surface ripples, the faucet creates a strong visual relationship between…

Eau de Temps

Eau de Temps

“I love the smell of Napalm in the morning…” – Robert Duvall (Apocalypse Now). Though I question anyone’s sanity that might actually mean those very…

Picking This Apart

Picking This Apart

One tooth pick is nothing but hundreds of thousands combined and it becomes a marvelous piece of art. That’s because of a special characteristic we…

Design Digest Vol.7

Design Digest Vol.7

Two-legged self-supporting bench by Simone Harbert. Single house residence by Matador Architect. Plug-in House by Sand And Birch. Bamboo Light by Sevcan Yardim. Carbon fiber…

Some Serious Rocking

Some Serious Rocking

ID people love the tools afforded to them by today’s advance computers and software. They’re able to visualize products and test every nuance before manufacturing….