Product Design

Go-Anywhere Personal Heater

Designed with outdoor workers in mind, the Lumus heater is an innovative, mobile single-person heating system that uses a built-in heating coil and integrated fan…

Pillow Glow

Luminube is a pillow cover with integrated LED lights that provide ambient light for reading, easing you to sleep, or even waking you up with…

Happy Moos!

A winner of the 2011 Red Dot Product Design Award, this product is unique in that its main focus is to please animals rather than…

From Dust to No-Dust

Chalkeeper is a very innovative way to contain chalk dust (which causes allergic reaction in many children) and reuse it. It is basically a duster…

Super Bowl

The 30-degree Slope is a bowl specifically designed for folks with trembling hands. This kinda condition is widespread in the silver generation, but it can…

Trash to Treasure

The Lace Vase by Milk Design Limited provides a super easy way of turning plastic bottles, glass jars, or any other unused container into a…