Time is Squishy

Someone said that even a broken watch shows the correct time twice a day. With that “glass half full” mentality in mind, check out the…

iPad 2 Window

I was once referred as “loopy” by a group of designers because I wanted a house with giant displays in lieu of actual windows. The…


The beginning stages of wearing a hearing aid can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Pulse is an auditory system aimed at improving this transition by providing…

Come Unplugged

I normally try and yank plugs out because I can’t be bothered with getting on my hands and knees. Frayed wires and many broken plugs…

Sit & Be Enlightened

The Satvic Lounge Series is an expression of pure equilibrium between mind & body, universe & self. Individual materials for each model carry a deep…

Gulfstream G550

The ultra-long range Gulfstream G550 gets a seamless interior makeover to enhance the in-flight experience for both passenger and pilot. The leather clad cockpit features…