Putting the Light in Delight! Elegant, hypnotic, and so beautiful, it justifies all the design awards its won, the D’Light puts an art installation in every home! Named D’Light…

Far-out Space Food

Imagine yourself as a part of a new multi-planetary species, traveling throughout the solar system. What would your eating experience be like on such a…

The house that wears a sweater!

It looks like the Swahili Gem Tudor apartments in Mombasa have been crochet-bombed! The architects decided to clad the building’s outside with a ‘moucharabiah’ inspired…

Home, spiky home

Hostile (read: edgy) looking on the outside, but designed to be equally homely on the inside, the Cactus towers currently being planned in Copenhagen will…

Alexa, refined.

If your Alexa device looks a little too gadgety for your taste, you might like O-JIA. The Alexa-compatable series features 3 distinct shapes and sizes…