Someone rightly said that the life of a designer is a life of fight: fight against the ugliness! May has been an interesting month with hundreds of ‘good designs’ fighting the ugliness of the world. While all of them are winners, select few really outshone the rest. Here is a recap of the most appreciated concepts and designs that created a buzz on YD. Take a look…..
10) Third Age Concepts from red dot design concept 2012 by Various Designers | 8364 Hits
9) Snakes – Portable Speakers by Junonna Trotsiuk | 8577 Hits
8 ) Marinas Bird Lamp by Oadone | 8592 Hits
7) Less Lethal Home Defense by Isaac Richardson | 8651 Hits
6) 0 Point Ruler by Chul Sung Ahn, Chang Dae Jeon, Da Hye Lee & Hee Chul Kwak | 9740 Hits
5) Circle – A Continuous Printer by Yang Jae Wook | 9983 Hits
4) Corner Ladder by Company & Company Design Studio | 10395 Hits
3) E-Board (Easy Board) Ironing Board by Mohsen Jafari Malek | 16937 Hits
2) Ö Case – iPhone Case by Löytö Esineiden | 17455 Hits
1) iPhone 5 Concept by Antoine Brieux of NAK Studio | 26731 Hits