July, 2009

Long, Wide, and Flat

That’s what’s going on with this future car, future AMERICAN car I should say, by designer Colin Pan; long, wide, and fat. Aiming to emphasize…

Traveling Alone In The Metro

Daisy’s bicycle was built for two, but somehow the future foresees her traveling alone in metropolitan Los Angeles in the year 2015. I’m specific to…

What the Pho?

What is Pho? Pho is food. Pho is: “Phở (fuh) n.Traditional Vietnamese beef noodle soup. Enjoy it for breakfast, lunch or dinner.” Find out more…

Primal Earbones

From the innately elegant design sensations of fuseproject comes this technologically and aesthetically candy-coated little device. It is a hands-free bluetooth device for your ear….