Product Design

Pushy Handle

Unlike traditional door handles, the UltraLatch doesn’t twist or turn.  Instead, this functional hardware simply pushes or pulls to open an interior door, making it…

A Take on the Carafe

This reinterpretation of the Lebanese water carafe is the eye-catching work of designer Vrouyr Joubanian. Beeq’s layers are composed of 6mm thick concentric DuPont Corian…

City Compost Bin

Composting is an important, vital part to creating a sustainable city but few urbanites engage in the activity because of stigmas. The idea of having…

Balloony Lightsaber

Don’t look so puzzled; this concept is pretty simple actually. Balloon Flashlight is a flashlight with some extra lining to it. Pump up the inners…

Dog on a Gun!

Trust the Russians to teach us how to train a dog! Actually it’s more like shooting, err… walking them on a leash with the Povodokus!…