
On My Windowsill

… lies a lot of dust, especially in-between the rail tracks for the window. I do my best to keep the dust and debris away,…

Bio Burp!

Bio Clean is a dust-buster that converts bio-wastes to energy and uses that power for it’s functioning. Let me explain, we generate a lot of…

Sterile Sip

A Clean Label is a low cost protective label that prevents you from drinking from a contaminated soda can. If we take the user scenario…

Waterless Cleaner

As you might have guessed by the name, the Waterless Cleaner by Beata Patasiute is a waterless cleaning solution that uses magnetic microwaves to heat…

Vac for the Future

During the summer of 2010, organizations expressing concern for the environment around the world headed out to the ocean to collect marine debris. Once they…

Roomba Watch Out

The All-In-One Robot Cleaner is a stick vac carrying a passenger with a mind of its own. Like any good stick vac, you’ve got something…