Product Design

Bright Slide

The super modern-looking Slide Lamp is constructed from a single piece of machine-hallowed hardwood mounted on a cast aluminum base. The unorthodox construction also makes…

Cutie Pod

This Segway style vehicle takes the 2-wheeler a step further in the form of a multifunctional transportation pod built for 2. Balanced on a movable…

Oh Snap!

I love a good hanger design, and here’s one that makes it possible to hang your clothes in a snap! The Snap Hanger consists of…

Eco iPhone Dock

YoungGun Cho’s dockTRAY for the iphone 4 and 4S provides an eco-friendly solution for docking your iPhone. The multifunctional solid birch wood piece holds the…

Humid Nature

Coming from a coastal city, where excess of humidity (even in winters) is the problem, I simply can’t relate to the fuss around a humidifier….

Trap That Tail!

My son often questions – how can perfectly wound earphones kept in the pocket, come out so highly tangled! While I’m no good at understanding…