Product Design

Audio Orbs

It seems like we’re obsessed with making speakers smaller and smaller without sacrificing power. What would the result be if we reversed our logic and…

Scuba Breath

My perception of a pristine and peaceful scuba dive changed when I went for my first dive off the Great Barrier Reef. It looks so…

This Sign Speaks

Like the name suggests, the Smart Sign Language Interpreter is a convenient device that allows hearing-impaired people to communicate with those who are can hear,…

Light in a Light

The peculiar Lampslamp is a true oddity in the world of lighting. Not just because of its ultra-flexible, even wobbly shade, but because of what’s…

Give Bodysurfing a Boost

There’s bodysurfing… and then there’s slyding. The G6’s sleek design gives hand-boarders the ultimate ride every water-sport enthusiast dreams about. The G6’s tight rails, deep…