
Boat Blade

The blade in a boat engine is sharp enough to hurt sea creatures and humans, alike. Weeds and plants too can wreck it. The Air…

Flowering Fountain

The Daffodil Fountain serves as both a sculptural element and refreshing water source in a variety of public spaces. The petal-inspired design functions as a…

Underground Bin

The KUKI-BIN satisfies our inherent urge to kick things around. It’s a garbage bin that is placed underground, allowing you to not only thrown rubbish…

Obvious TAXI Station

How about a taxi stand that offers a waiting lounge, office space, personal cabins for drivers, lavatory, changing room, storage area, kitchen and resting area!…

Stealth Pavillion

The Stealth Pavillion is based on the concept of heterotopia, which describes spaces of “otherness” that are neither here nor there, simultaneously physical & mental,…