
Fashion-Inspired Insulin Delivery

Devina Kothari’s innovative solution for insulin delivery easily integrates into the user’s lifestyle with fashion-inspired wearable tech they can set and forget! It uses a…

One-Handed Bandaid

Designed for patients who must self-inject, like hemophiliacs and diabetics, Easy Aid makes the process of tending the post-puncture area easier. Unlike standard bandaids, the…

IV Made Easy

However useful, IV units can and do become dangerous when neglected. In serious cases, the back-flow of blood from gravity can cause tremendous pain, phlebitis…

The Overdose Angel

Drug overdose is made doubly dangerous because individuals fear facing the involvement of authorities and the associated penalties. Unfortunate but necessary, this redesign of an…

The Go-Anywhere Gurney

This modern take on the gurney/stretcher aims to make rescue and recovery easier for paramedics, especially in solo operations. The modular design features two tank-style…