Pool Party

Pool Party

UK based design firm, Freshwest have taken the meaning of pool table to an entirely new level – literally. Recently unveiled at London’s Design Week,…

Da-Bloom Baby!

Da-Bloom Baby!

Multifunctional furniture is where it’s at. Something that can be used in several different functional ways to simplify or organize our lives and bring out…

Alien Inspiration

Alien Inspiration

In 1999, Lithuanian designer Jonas Jurgaitis was captured by aliens, upon his return to earth, he immediately began to sketch out a sofa design that…

Walls In Motion

Walls In Motion

I have always dreamed of having my own secret hideout inside my home, a place where I could go and just have some me time…

Crystal Snowflakes

Crystal Snowflakes

Ever looked at a magnified snowflake? It is truly remarkable how detailed and unique each snowflake is and how their individual designs can never be…

Crystal Comb

Crystal Comb

It is really amazing how bees make honey. It is even more amazing how delicious natural honey is straight out of the honey comb. Yar…