Parking Markers for Dummies

“Mobile Marking for Parking Spaces” might not feel quite as special getting that parking space plaque along with your work promotion… but there’s no denying…

A Mate that Illuminates Reminiscent of Baymax, the adorable fluffy robot companion from the movie Big Hero 6, Bero is a friendly smart-lamp that lights up, bringing an…

Good Vibes for All

Ampathy (a portmanteau of “AMPlifier” and “empATHY”) aims to enhance your entertainment experiences with good vibes! This soft, huggable speaker substitutes sound into solid vibration,…

Not Your Mama’s Hairdryer

The Incenso Pot is a contemporary interpretation of brass pots used in the South Indian Sambraani method of drying hair. Traditionally, women use sambraani dhoop,…

A Tent for Chief Sitting-Cat

Kennels go outside the house, but something as uniquely quaint looking as the Pet Teepee is perfect for keeping indoors! The Pet Teepee by Montreal-based…

A Smarter Stethoscope

After 200 years without change, the U Scope finally introduces some much-needed improvements to the stethoscope! First, the chest piece is ergonomically designed to perfectly…