On initial glance you would be forgiven in having to question what the primary function of this very visually interesting product is, this is due to its minimal form and concealed features. This is ANYWHERE, and it is in fact a hairdryer!
ANYWHERE beautifully solves the ever-frustrating issue of storing the bulky devices, by conveniently mounting to the wall. This has been achieved by using a suction cradle that the device resides in. What’s so unique about this particular solution is that the product can still be operated while in the cradle, so in essence it is a wall-mounted, hands-free hairdryer! At the press of a button the device can be easily removed to cater to the user’s more precise, styling needs.
Clearly indicated touchpoints and carefully considered design details, paired the elevated functionality makes ANYWHERE a wonderfully unique product that would make for a welcome alternative to the conventional hairdryer.
Designer: Youngwoo Lee of Storyform