
Help with Hoops!

The Hoop Basketball Simulation system helps new players expand their ball handling skills with one versatile, transportable device. Designed for the offense, players can switch…

Give Bodysurfing a Boost

There’s bodysurfing… and then there’s slyding. The G6’s sleek design gives hand-boarders the ultimate ride every water-sport enthusiast dreams about. The G6’s tight rails, deep…

Electro Kicks

Designed for bicyclists and joggers, Adam Nagy’s Lacoste Laser Cruiser shoe features electroluminescent fabric that not only gives the shoe head-turning style, but an added…


Introducing…… the world’s first 3D printed twin-tip skateboard! This early example of future recreational production was formed in 3 sections joined with connector pins for…

Easy Spray for Refs

Currently, the marker that referees use to show the position of “free-kick” and “defensive walls” in soccer games isn’t much different than a simple can…

Hella Pedals!

With its patented upper body pedaling system, the 4StrikeBike is unlike any you’ve seen before! It has adjustable handlebar pedals that supplement power to the…

Safer Speed Skating

Accidents in speed skating are dangerous for everyone. A skater who falls basically becomes a razor-sharp ninja star, just as liable to be struck by…

Bat to the Bone

Without a doubt, Bat to the Bone is sure to make you look like the most badass batter on the field. It’s a great conversation…

Extreme H20 Helmet

Designed specifically for extreme water-sports, the Molecule helmet isn’t just for protecting your noggin. A specialized, waterproof wireless headset is embedded between the padding and…