Let’s face it: many of us would want to grow our own flowers and herbs but are afraid to do so because we don’t have a green thumb. In fact, some might even have the opposite of a green thumb, seemingly cursed to kill any vegetative life they handle. Of course, it’s really just a matter of knowing the right thing to do at the right time, which is harder to accomplish when plants only show visible signs when they’re almost dead.
That’s where everyone’s favorite AI comes in, taking the guesswork out of the equation. That’s the value that this deceptively plain and simple plastic pot tries to bring, making the act of growing indoor plants so easy, that you might even feel you’re not the one doing the work at all.
Designer: LeafyPod
Most of us were probably taught as early as grade school that plants need soil, water, and sunlight to grow. We would only learn too late, like when coming home to a dead plant, that this is an oversimplified explanation. Plants need the right amount of light, temperature, humidity, and soil moisture to thrive, and that’s not even considering how different plants will have different requirements.
Rather than overwhelming us poor humans with all that data, the LeafyPod simplifies life by utilizing a product that thrives on data: AI. Based on the plant you selected to grow, the smart indoor planter will learn how the plant responds to water, evaluate the quality of the soil, and automatically water the plant as needed to keep it in top condition. All you need to do is to refill the reservoir every month or so.
It might almost feel like you’ve totally automated the act of growing a plant, which in some sense, also takes out the joy from the activity, but there are still some things you do need to do by hand. You’ll need to move the plant to a better-lit area when it needs lighting since it doesn’t come with its own grow light. You’ll also have to replace the filter every few months, but as you might have guessed, the LeafyPod planter will be the one to tell you when to do all these.
The AI-powered LeafyPod is definitely a powerful tool that takes out the drudgery of growing plants indoors, but you might also want to ask yourself first why you’re trying to grow them in the first place. If all you want is an easy way to have beautiful living foliage or fresh herbs at home, then this indoor planter might be right for you. If, on the other hand, you actually want to experience the adventure of growing plants, this could just be a stepping stone in getting you started on a more earnest learning process.