2-in-1 lighting device serves as flashlight and reading lamp

Any bookworm worth their…well, book…has probably experienced this at one point or another, probably when they were kids. Your parents or guardians have turned the lights off because it’s bedtime already. But you know you can’t put your book down because you can’t wait until morning to find out what happened. So you dive under the covers and use a flashlight to continue reading until the wee hours of the morning. Of course that doesn’t do wonders for your eyesight, but what’s a bookworm to do?

Designer: Onurhan Demir

Good thing we now have some solutions that can help bookworms out. Or at least, we have some concepts that can make it easier. This is a concept for a 2 in 1 lighting design. It is a rechargeable flashlight that can also become a reading lamp that you can use when you want to finish reading a book in the dark. Unlike regular flashlights which can be a bit inconvenient as you’re holding a book and turning the page, this one makes it easier as you can clip it to your book. Hopefully the clip can also hold on to thick books, which some bookworms prefer reading sometimes.

When in its flashlight mode, it looks like a regular flashlight with its spherical body. It seems a bit small though so I don’t know if it’s something that can be used for a long time. When you want to use it as a reading lamp, you just flip open the clip underneath and then attach it to your book and continue reading even if you don’t have the main lights on or if you don’t have a desk reading lamp. The product renders show different colors like gray, white, and orange, with the gray one also having orange highlights. Again, we don’t know how long the rechargeable light will last, so maybe your thick book will not be finished in one sitting.

Now I don’t know if the reading lamp function has something that will not damage your eyes so much, as this is still a concept. It would be nice to have that feature though, especially if they’re targeting readers. I mean, most heavy readers develop bad eyesight eventually, so tools like this should not exacerbate our already burdened eyes. But at least, this concept will help free our hands when holding a book, especially if we’re still reading under the covers.