Product Design

Begin Your Gift Legacy

The Messenger is a thoughtful, minimalistic and highly interactive sculpture. Inspired by the carrier pigeon, the avian sculpture was designed to be gifted and re-gifted…

Bug-inspired Water Pack

This wearable adventure accessory called the Portable Water Storage Unit utilizes bug-biomimicry to harvest water vapor in the driest of areas. Inspired by the Namib…

Keyless Entry at Home

The E-Lock is a different approach to the traditional door handles we have in our homes today yet greatly resembles one. The design is meant…

Signature Slats

Marcel is a smart sideboard inspired by the Modern Cultural Movement developed during the interwar period. The chromed tubular metal legs are inspired by Marcel…

Get Scentimental

Cleverly called “Scentimental,” this diffuser tantalizes multiple senses- not just smell! By scenting the spinning top diffusers, users can release beautiful aromas as they spin…