There are bags that are just for fashion and there are those that are mostly functional or a vessel to put your stuff in and carry them around. The best ones are probably those that fit into both categories. It would also be a bonus if they were affordable, but that is a rare occurrence. A functional bag that can also double as a fashion piece is a rarity and one that is both that and also part of your actual wardrobe is doubly rare. It’s also a bonus if said bag can be transformed into the other piece with just a few simple steps.
Designer: côte&ciel
This new piece from côte&ciel that is part of their Spring/Summer ’25 collection is one that can fit almost all of the things mentioned above. Well, probably not the affordable aspect since it’s pretty expensive. It also embodies the “bags to wear, not carry” mantra of the brand. Po is a hybrid tote bag that can be used as a regular tote that is slung over your shoulder but with just a few zips and unzips and folds and unfolds, it becomes a vest that you can add to your outfit. It becomes a piece of clothing that’s still able to carry all your bits and bobs.
The design was inspired by origami of course and the main thing you have to do is to play around with the central zipper to turn this bag into a vest or wearable gilet and vice versa. The intricate layers of this fashion statement and functional bag are replicated in both of their forms. There are several hidden pockets to store various things and there are also D-ring clips to attach accessories and small items. As a tote bag, it looks like those puffer cloth bags that can carry a lot even for its regular, normal size. As a gilet, it looks like a more fashionable version of those fisherman’s vests that can also carry several things.
The Po collection is made up of two color schemes: the smooth black and the smooth sunray (brown) both of which are made from nylon fabric. They’re also both water repellant and can carry up to 18L capacity and has a loading weight of 9kg. As mentioned earlier, it’s not that cheap although it’s also not designer bag level price. If you like those bags that are also clothes kind of accessories, then you wouldn’t mind spending this much.