Electric scooters or e-scooters are no longer oddities on roads these days. They offer efficient, economical, and environment-friendlier ways to get from point A to point B, especially if you’re traveling by your lonesome self. Most e-scooters nowadays tend to look a lot like each other, almost as if they’ve already exhausted all the design possibilities for this personal mobility device. There are a few outliers, of course, but most e-scooters tend to just focus on improving this or that technical feature that improves the e-scooter’s efficiency. Power and beauty don’t have to be mutually exclusive, though, and this electric scooter brings a refreshing new design that takes inspiration not just from the looks of a skateboard but also from the feel of riding on one.
Designer: Ryan Daughtridge
The basic design of an e-scooter is pretty much standard by now, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any wiggle room to offer a refreshing take like this bold newcomer. In opposition to the large and bulky e-scooters that litter the market, the Skate-X is espousing minimalism to create not only a pleasing visual aesthetic but also a lean form that helps keep the vehicle light. For example, it uses a simple yet effective three-pole frame to securely hold the skateboard deck instead of the typical hefty platforms you’d find on other electric scooters.
Yes, there is a genuine, seven-ply skateboard deck that brings a unique character to this e-scooter. The extra-wide and concave-shaped platform not only offers a better foothold but also creates a look and feel that you won’t find on any other e-scooter. Given how smooth and swift you’ll be riding on the Skate-X, you might even begin to think you’re actually riding a skateboard instead.

All Terrain – Extra large 9” tires (10” air-filled tires for Pro) give a cushy smooth ride on hard terrain.
That skateboard soul is thanks to the e-scooter’s astounding 500W motor that makes short work of steep inclines up to 25 degrees. 9-inch tires (or 10-inch air-filled wheels for the Pro model) lets your roll on the road or off-road with ease. The 360Wh battery lets the Skate-X reach that sweet 20-mile range, taking the experience beyond skateboards and regular e-scooters. And with a top speed of 22mph, you’ll be breezing through streets and roads in comfort and style.
You might argue that, aside from the skateboard deck, some of these features can be found in a few premium e-scooters. The keyword here, however, is “premium,” which often carries a price tag to match. That means that it’s a luxury that only a few people will be able to afford, a far cry from how the skateboard brought swift and fun riding to the masses. Fortunately, the Skate-X isn’t your typical premium e-scooter in that regard, either.
For only $499 (or $799 for a Pro model) during this Super Early Bird period, you can get a dashing e-scooter that lets you swiftly dash on roads and hills without breaking a sweat, all while looking cool. With the Skate-X, you can experience the power of a premium e-scooter in a striking design for under $1,000, an affordable luxury that everyone can enjoy.