Yanko Design

Coffee Maker designs that craft your perfect brew – no more depending on Starbucks!

Out of coffee, want coffee, need coffee…if those are the words that first run through your head when you wake up, this post is your treasure trove! This seeming never-ending quarantine and the viral response to Dalgona coffee has proved one thing – I need to learn to brew my own perfect brew for a successful day as I can’t depend on my friendly neighborhood coffee shop to be my supplier. This post holds together a collection of coffee makers that are designed to craft that perfect brew irrespective of your style. And don’t worry, once the pandemic is over this skill will always be in handy with the portable coffee makers we have showcased here!

Kork Kafeware was designed to encourage people to take a break from the daily struggles and enjoy me-time. Functionally, it gives you the best of both worlds, stainless steel is durable and cork is heat-resistant. The eco-conscious range includes french press, espresso maker, goose-neck kettle, and coffee grinder which is all you need to enjoy a perfect cup at home. Kork uses the inherent qualities of cork and polished stainless steel to create a natural, functional product designed to last a lifetime. Cork is a sustainable alternative to plastic and offers unique insulative, elastic and lightweight properties to the design.

The Phantom Espresso was born out of a need to make the experience a consumer has with the barista better. The traditionally large espresso machines are obtrusive to the craft and become a barrier between the craftsmen of the beverage and the curious coffee drinkers. By moving the espresso engine below the counter and incorporating bottom fill espresso glasses it enabled the bar to become more open up the bar and let the customers enjoy the brewing process, especially for the seasonal and limited-edition drinks! The ends of the bar can be twisted 180 degrees to pour the espresso into the cup and then to be auto-rinsed. The milk steaming happens under the counter but the control dials for foam and temperature are on the top. The bottom-fill process is unconventional in cafes, especially global chains like Starbucks. But it was chosen for the redesign because it produces a clean, sweet flavor due to gravity keeping bitter particulates suspended in line.

The Bariseur 2.0 by Joy Resolve does a pretty good job of making mornings a little more pleasurable than they would have been. In its second edition, the beverage-brewing alarm clock comes with an updated design featuring a better brewing system using a one-of-a-kind immersion brewer that works equally well with tea or coffee. Rather than brewing your drink right into the cup, the immersion brewer keeps your beverage contained in a chamber, allowing you to pour yourself a cuppa whenever you need it. The smell, however, wafts out pretty effortlessly, allowing you to wake up to the aroma of coffee beans or aromatic tea. The Bariseur 2.0 even features a redesigned shower-head and smart induction heater that allows water to be scattered across your coffee grounds or tea leaves evenly, and at a precise temperature of 94° C – ideal for brewing.

The Pakt was designed by Malcolm Fontier & Impel Studio for those coffee aficionados, that prefer having control over their brew no matter what. They love traveling, but they hate the idea of instant coffee or pre-made coffee decoctions. Pakt allows you to carry your brewing apparatus anywhere you go. The size of a thermos, it packs every aspect of the brewing process into its compact, cylindrical form. Nesting multiple elements into one another like Matryoshka dolls, Pakt comes with an electric kettle to heat water, a pour-over unit to collect your brew, and a coffee canister to carry your favorite blend of coffee along with you. When traveling, the units nest within each other, creating an all-in-one compact cylinder that’s easy to carry around. Minimal tolerances ensure a perfect fit, so that components don’t rattle around, or get damaged while you’re traveling.

COFFEEJACK comes from the folks at Hribarcain, famed for their great work in the EDC department. Now, they’ve set out to shrink the coffee machine to a form factor so small, you might as well carry it around everywhere you go along with the rest of your belongings. Designed by Ashley Hribar-Green & Matthew Aston Cain, the COFFEEJACK works with any coffee-grind, enabling you to have your favorite espresso anywhere you go, while also reducing your dependence on those earth-polluting Nespresso and Keurig pods. Just add your coffee grind to the lower chamber and COFFEEJACK’s in-built tamper will level the grounds and pack them tightly. Open out the pump and pour hot water into the upper chamber and you’re ready to go! The espresso maker’s manual pump matches the high-pressure output of most coffee machines, giving you an espresso that is as deliciously thick and even has that layer of flavor-packed crema on top, just like the one your barista makes with professional equipment.

COSSO by John Park & Fountain Studio is the coffee machine that gifts the user with a capsule of coffee! Prior to leaving the comfort of their homes, COSSO enables the user to prepare the expressos that they will require to get them through the day-ahead! Once prepared, the user can store the capsules in the warm case that carries a beautifully sleek and clean aesthetic, which is shared by the coffee machine itself!

When manually brewing drip coffee in an authentic manner, you require a certain grind and also have to weigh the amount for the filter. After that, you have to make sure the water is between 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal extraction. Colder water will result in flat, under-extracted coffee, while water that is too hot will also cause a loss of quality in the taste of the coffee. So there is a lot of guesswork that can go in if you don’t have all the parts or you could brush it off and drink a mediocre cup. But Joo Hwan Hong’s SCOPE comes with a built-in grinder, scale, temperature control, and timer give you a significantly finer degree of control for making a perfect cup of hand-dripped coffee. SCOPE combines multiple accessories to make the process convenient for you as well as justify buying expensive roasts.

Designed keeping in mind the nomadic, work-on-the-go lifestyle some people lead, this will coffee machine saves you long lines and waiting in the drive-thrus. You can brew fresh coffee anytime, anywhere and it is also compatible with Keurig K-Cups for ease. Quick eco-friendly checkpoint: K-cups and pods are not environmentally friendly (Keurig and Nespresso do claim to recycle them if you collect it and ship it to their centers) so if you are leading or trying to lead a sustainable lifestyle and manage your waste reduction, then you can use Koipresso with your own coffee grounds. As a ‘coffee snob’ myself, I would always recommend you brew with fresh grounds than packaged pods because it tastes better and also helps you become eco-conscious. The brewing method has four simple steps. Fill the coffee grounds in the carafe, put the carafe into the tray and secure, fill up the flask with hot water, and close the lid. Plug USB into power, turn it upside, and push the button to brew.

Ode is a powerful and precise home grinder with professional cafe grade capabilities. It was designed so that you can enjoy a perfect cup of coffee every single day no matter what brewing process you choose – pour-over, french press, cold brew, espressos, or drip! This coffee grinder is probably the only one you will ever need because it comes with 31 grind settings and a distinctive single dose load bin for maximum bean freshness. And unlike the big cafe machines, this little appliance does everything quietly. Fellow and Branch wanted to create a grinder that also looked like an appliance worthy of sitting on your countertop. The all-black grinder looks like a sleek espresso machine in itself with a large intuitive dial that allows you to easily choose the type of grind you want. I also love the magnetic base so the container will not move out of place and no coffee will be wasted!

The twisting action is a fun and functional one, and consequently into the Twist Press by Barista & Co., a hand-operated espresso maker that can rival a state-of-the-art, expensive, espresso machine. The Twist uses a container with a helical guide and a plunger that twists downwards, forcing the liquid through the coffee powder. It creates a high-pressure that’s effortless and powerful enough to churn out a thick coffee concentrate that you most definitely wouldn’t get with a french-press or a pour-over. Just by regulating the amount of water and the brew time, you can make yourself anything from an intense, thick shot of espresso, to a tall, irresistible glass of black coffee.

An homage to retro gaming machines and furniture enthusiasts, this coffee table is one of its kind. Swedish designer Love Hulten has created a slim slide-out console with 2-player arcade joysticks & push-button gaming controls. It is inspired by the old-school gaming arcades and includes the big buttons as well as a joystick that is also a knob for the coffee table. The custom-crafted table features a wireless gaming system that connects with your smart TV for modern yet classic home gaming. With a classic American walnut and brass aesthetic, the table’s form will appeal to most and allow it to blend in any interior style.


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