Yanko Design

This Lamborghini wasn’t made to run on roads…

With treads similar to those you’d find on a tank, the Lamborghini LMXX2 by Michael Hritzkrieg was designed to dominate off-road terrains. Made to run on sands, soil, and even rocks, this raging bull doesn’t need asphalt underneath it. It just needs a driver and determination.

Emerging out of a Mad Max-ian hellscape, the Lamborghini LMXX2 looks like it could outrun any of Immortan Joe’s minion riders, leaving them literally and figuratively in the dust. Hritzkrieg (who’s also in the running for coolest last name) uses just three words to describe his design – Desert + Lambo + Future. He isn’t wrong, the LMXX2 looks rather futuristic to begin with, and since Lamborghini’s already dominated the roads and even the water, this just seems like a natural progression at this point. I’ll be waiting for the Lamborghini hypersonic jets…

Designer: Michael Hritzkrieg

The Lamborghini LMXX2 was created for the AGP Contest on Instagram, using the same keywords “Desert + Lamborghini + Future”. Modeled/sketched on Gravity Sketch before rendering in Cinema4D and adding finishing touches on Photoshop, the LMXX2 comes alive as a beast of the sands, leaving a trail of dust and sore losers behind it. The LMXX2 amps up Lamborghini’s already angular design, and ditches regular wheels for something even more edgy and badass. Treads run around the edge of the car, covering the base and the upper edges of the windows, creating a dynamic side profile that actually requires you to enter and exit the car through its treads. The treads aren’t your average ones either – they come with flaps that dig into the soil, propelling you forward. When out of the soil, the treads look almost like scales, giving the LMXX2 the appearance of a reptile ready to attack!

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