Yanko Design

Clip-on Fin to Turn to Aquaman

Of course, there’s a catch, you’ve gotta have a missing lower limb first to use this particular silicone appendage. This project is an orthopaedic swimming aid by Richard Stark called “Neptune.” It’s bright blue and yellow colors will be blurs to you as they zip past in the pool. Hinge lock, mount for those with mountable appendages, adjustable strength, simple design. You’ll be cruising in a whole new way in no time. And with a designer name like “Stark” you know it’s high quality.

Be sure to note: the designer of the Neptune’s name is Richard Stark. The designer of the Iron Man suit’s name is Tony Stark. They are different people. But, like one another in a very important way, they both hope to make the world a better place to live.

The Neptune uses a standard silicone liner which, when working with the cup mounted to it, distributes forces away from the tip of the limb. The fin, mounted to the the cup, can be turned 90degrees to allow different strokes. Then, as mentioned, the strength of the fin can be adjusted by moving the slider from top to bottom or bottom to top.

Then just cruise.

Designer: Richard Stark

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