Yanko Design

German Laser Dentist

I am not even kidding. This project has German people, lasers, and dentists who use lasers on German people in it. German people in the pre-cursor to the project, if you will. The designer of this project, Muna Sawas, found 50% of Deutsch citizens to be totally afraid to visit their dentist. So what’s to be done? Make a practically pain-free, totally awesome laser therapy method. With lasers! On the teeth!

Made to be an entry-level tool for dentists who plan on using laser therapy in the future. The “Dio-Lase” uses a 7-watt diode laser and covers the main treatments of soft tissue. No wires, the laser is completely self-contained in this little handheld device. Adjustable laser head, perfect for fitting in the mouth, 180 degrees of laser lovliness.

I’m not sure HOW it works, but it does seem pretty fab, doesn’t it?

Designer: Muna Sawas

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