Yanko Design

Tic ciT, Tac caT, Toe eoT

Let’s reflect on the futility of some endeavors in life. I will borrow a chunk of a favorite Alicia Silverstone quote, playing Tic Tac Toe is as futile as “searching for meaning in a Pauli Shore movie…” One of the first games I ever learned to play as a child was Tic Tac Toe. The lesson I am assuming to be learned with Tic Tac Toe is that life is about the journey, because the destination is the same no matter what you do. None of that has anything to do with this design by Shahar Peleg. “Mirror Tic Tac Toe” is a rad little board game with half Os and Xs that only are complete when put in play… yet another metaphor about life? Not sure, I do know I am hungry and can’t philosophize on an empty stomach. Wait, is that also another metaphor?

Designer: Shahar Peleg [ Via: DVICE ]

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