Yanko Design

Shooting Dice

I suck at rolling dice. If the game requires it, I know I’ll come in last. It’s like some celestial power is inhibiting any positive chance I have in what’s supposed to be a random result. Although maybe it’s because I’m a person of the computer age and numeric dice are just so yesterday to me. That’s where Jaehyung Hong’s keyboard dice come in.

Each die is made up of keys from discarded keyboards. Slap on some simple rules and BAM, you’ve got yourself a game. So the next time you come across a group of people shootin’ dice in an alley, drop the keyboard dice and show ’em how it should be done in 2007.

Game rules

‘+’ and numeral = Go ahead as numeral
‘-’ and numeral = Go back as numeral
‘End’ and numeral = No chance to move
‘Home’ and numeral = Do all over again
‘PgUp’ and numeral = Throw the dice two times and go ahead as plus numeral
‘PgDn’ and numeral = Throw the dice two times and go back as plus numeral

Designer: Jaehyung Hong

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