Yanko Design

Candle warmer with halogen lamp makes your self-care routine more relaxing

SUMSEI Silver Lining Warmer 섬세이 실버라이닝 워머

There are days when all you want to do when you get home is light up a candle or turn on your diffuser, relax with a book or by listening to music, and just let all the day’s stresses melt away. Self-care has become such an important buzzword the past few years so we get a lot of products now that let ordinary folks have their own destressing rituals without spending so much. After all, we need to find the “silver lining” in whatever situation we’re in.

Designer: Adaption Design Studio for SUMSEI

This is probably one of the reasons why this new product from Korean brand SUMSEI is called the Silver Lining Warmer. They say that this is in reference to the beam of light that shines through the clouds, which is what the product wants to be for those who need a bit of relaxation at home. Basically it’s a candle warmer but with the added bonus of a halogen light to make your room even more comfortable and calming.

The main purpose of the warmer is to diffuse the scent of the paraffin candles as they’re melting from the halogen lamp. But the Silver Lining Warmer also has a halogen lamp that would flicker as you use it to give you a spa-like atmosphere as you enjoy the scents and scenes while probably having sounds in the background as well. The warmer uses heat-resistant resin so that it would still be safe even with the heat from the halogen lamp.

It uses a pretty minimalist design with just black and white color options available so it should go well with any aesthetic. As someone who enjoys diffusing smells and sometimes candles at home while reading or just resting my eyes while listening to music, this is the kind of addition to my routine that I’ll welcome.

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