Yanko Design

Eco-friendly soap packaging uses artichoke waste, peapods

As we continue to consume essentials like toothpaste, shampoo, skincare, etc, one thing that we’ll continue to acquire is the plastic that comes with all their packaging. There are companies and brands that have become more conscious about these things over the years but there’s still a lot of non-biodegradable waste out there. While we can’t totally get rid of them with one solution, researchers and product designers are trying to come up with more sustainable alternatives.

Designer: Alara Ertenü

A Turkish designer was able to come up with soap packaging that is both hygienic and non-plastic and therefore more eco-friendly. One thing missing from most similar products is convenience and she was able to add it to this as well. She used artichoke leaves and combined it with peapod bioplastics in order to create packaging that commercial soap brands can actually use if they really wanted to be more eco-conscious in creating their products.

The zero-waste packaging is called “Packioli”, a play on packaging and its main ingredient. It not only solves getting rid of plastic for soaps but it also helps get rid of artichoke waste, which is around 80% of the actual vegetable. The packaging itself can last for a week if it gets wet and afterward, it starts disintegrating in the water. It’s also pretty easy to open either on its own as you tear it or if you put it under water pressure.

Since it uses raw ingredients, Packioli also becomes natural moisturizer for the soap itself. To give it a bit of color without any chemicals, there’s some beetroot and turmeric thrown into the mix. The look of the packaging of course is not similar to what we’re used to, with the labels and other colorful decorations but since you’re eventually going to throw it away anyway, it really shouldn’t matter. What’s important is that we don’t contribute more to plastic pollution and find ways to re-use waste.

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