Yanko Design

This Metaverse streaming device connects virtual world with the real one

The augmented reality and virtual reality applications aided by the sensory inputs to blur the lines between the real and the virtual world are staring us right into the eye. Metaverse is the endgame (that’s what we can assume at this point in time) of this cohesive amalgam of hardware and software ecosystems. Currently, in its infancy stage, the market forecast hints at almost double the growth since 2020 in VR and AR applications. Hence, Metaverse applications too are going to get an exponential boost.

This cool gadget for connecting the real world and the Metaverse world is a gateway for extended usability, providing a smooth transition between the two realms. It makes even more sense keeping in mind the future where the lines will be so blurry that identifying the real from the virtual will be vital. This portal will actuate all the possible applications connected to the Metaverse like gaming, roaming in the VR world, or even having a pseudo-life in an alternate reality!

Designer: Fountain Studio

Users are connected to the VR world via the interface of this gadget having a bezeless display and buttons including power on/off, microphone access, and home button. The user has full control over the peripheral device management and a list of compatible applications it can use. When not having intense visual entertainment in the virtual world, the user can interact with other users using the integrated messenger application to ascertain where you need to invest your time.

So, whether you are going all-in shooting enemies in a game using the Oculus Quest 2 or having a milder experience of roaming in your favorite locations in VR, the gadget manages everything seamlessly, so that you don’t have to go through any hassle of synchronizing hardware and apps. It’ll be like your trusted streaming device for the virtual world.


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