Yanko Design

This modular vertical planter comes with automatic irrigation for millennial-friendly gardening!

Many of us urban dwellers don’t have the time and space to enjoy indoor plants. CitySens is a vertical garden that is specially tailored for such a restricted space home, which helps its inhabitants enjoy greenery indoors without any hassle. The design is an easy to assemble contraption, comprising a base, pot modules, and a handful of frame pieces that can be assembled in a range of options to configure a vertical garden with shelves to any individual/family need or available space.

There is an underlining requirement of space-saving gardening equipment that people with not just space but time crunch need at home without worrying about their plants’ health. This need is met here because the planter itself can take care of the greens’ nutritional needs. Of course, there are many types of indoor growing solutions with automatic irrigation tech on the market, but since the CitySens combines vertical planters, plant shelves, and self irrigation systems in one, it is a concept worth its weight in green. Very unique in terms of versatility and performance, CitySens brings nature into our city homes (sans gardens) and adapts to the needs of everyday changing lifestyle.

CitySens comes with a range of plants designed to grow in its hydroponics system (which grows plants without soil). These plants are specifically designed to meet the individual tastes and available light conditions. The plants in the CitySens thrive on a closed, circulating irrigation system that reportedly saves up to 50-percent water and mineral salts compared to traditional irrigation systems. Interestingly, this planting system does a nifty little bit more – it can sync with a smartphone for regular updates of plant health and cares for the growing plants in your absence for over a month. Yes, that’s the level of independence the CitySens can offer. If you want a gardening system capable of maximizing the greenery and improving the air quality at home, CitySens can make for a good viable option.

Designer: Lúcid Design Agency

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