Yanko Design

This space-rover was designed for manned missions on alien planets

Designed to explore the possibilities of extraterrestrial transportation and reconnaissance, the GURA® TERRA is a space-rover concept equipped to transport and sustain up to 6 crew members.

The GURA TERRA comes with a unique design that has an incredibly high ground-clearance and six wheels, mounted on flexible legs that provide a smooth ride on even the rockiest of terrain. To get its crew members from A to B, the GURA TERRA comes outfitted with the latest in navigation and imaging tech, including a sensor hub located on the top of the vehicle that observes everything, and special film-coated-glass panels on the front and sides that allow light to pass through into the cockpit filtering out any harmful rays. With a strategically placed entrance on the side, the GURA TERRA splits its internal cabin into a cockpit on the front, and a passenger-cabin at the back. The rover comes with its own “ASA” or Autonomous Self Awareness system which allows it to be aware of its positioning in 3D space, using external data collection from onboard sensors and satellite navigation – information that can help pilots when they’re operating the rover.

The rover operates using 6 individual high torque electro-motor systems located in each wheel. The wheels themselves are mounted on arms that allow you to control the rover’s ground clearance. Each individual arm can also rotate, raising and lowering the wheels when they come across uneven land, keeping the rover’s relative height maintained no matter the terrain. The rover even comes with anti-pneumatic wheels (airless tires) to minimize maintenance and mitigate any puncture risk.

Lastly, thanks to a modular architecture, maintenance and power-cell replacement are easy and safe. Drop-In structures allow entire body parts to be renewed and updated, and in the event of any malfunction or breakdown, vital life-support such as generators, air filters, and auxiliary power systems run on secondary power systems to ensure nominal function and crew-safety at all times.

Designer: Edon Guraziu

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