Yanko Design

The world’s first no-chimney kitchen exhaust uses a drawer for ventilation

The Worlds First no-chimney downdraft with a Central Cooking Plate and Underhung Drawer

Okay, I am just going to say it, I have never met a kitchen exhaust or vent that has helped prevent the ringing of the smoke alarm when I cook. Some that are good certainly delay it, but if you have a small New York City apartment then your house is going to smell like your dish for at least a day. I am glad someone out there thought we needed a more innovative solution and designed the world’s first downdraft with a central cooking plate and underhung drawer! A top-notch setting that controls ventilation, making cleaning easier, and elevates the aesthetics of your kitchen.

Gutmann is a global leader in manufacturing high-quality exhaust hoods for households and is trusted by the best of specialized kitchen dealers. The design team combined their superior engineering with their own creative vision to give the users a cleaner experience. To come up with the solution, the team had to understand that performance, cleaning, and changing the filters are the core pillars of creating an efficient product. “With downdraft becoming the new norm, power was questionable. We said it had to step above the current noise. Emphasizing airflow, and creating clarity in the UI were our central points,” said the design team about their goal to create a downdraft hood that had the same (if not better) impact as the ceiling hood.

Each kitchen is different, there is a large variation in depths and heights of cabinets and drawers; so the design of this cooktop was kept lightweight without compromising on the advanced technology and materials. It was important to highlight the drawer during use and assembling all components in a central zone for intuitive user experience – optimizing storage and making cooking a stress-free process. Cooktops are used every day and they have to be durable to endure the constant cleaning and cooking. It can wear down even the most enthusiastic chef and homeowner to maintain appliances. To make this easier all the components were made with precise dimensions so they would fit directly into the dishwasher. This cooktop set up should go straight on top of your kitchen wishlist!

Designers: Oliver Hatton and Nicolas Schmitt for VanBerlo Agency

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