Yanko Design

When historic Italian Velocino bicycle meet modern technology

With electric scooters and skateboards rising rapidly in popularity due to their unrivaled ability to carve their way through our over-populated streets, we have seen an influx of unique concepts being generated. However, none of them have quite compared to this remake of the Velocino Bike! Designed to be as light and compact as possible, without compromising the comfort of the user, this unique mode of transport carries an aesthetic that is far different from anything we have seen before! This individuality has been enhanced further with the retro design style that has been applied to the concept. Oversized integrated lights, off-white tires and a tubular construction have been tied together with the traditional color scheme that is black with brown accents. This certainly makes a change from the over-engineered alternatives that we are used to seeing!

Designers: Haemin Kim & PDF HAUS

History of Velocino. Velocino was originally commissioned by Benito Mussolini around the early 40s. He wanted to offer Italians a compact, light and handy vehicle that people could store at home or anywhere else it might take them. Although this model seems like a very convenient option for city cycling and carrying on public transportation, it never took off in the old days. The project was canceled around the time that Italy decided to join World War 2.

Sketch. A remake of Velocino bicycle to electric kickboard with a saddle fold structure designed to be light and portable.

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