Yanko Design

The French Press’s funky cousin

Take the classic French Press and replace the glass cylinder and piston with a silicone bellow and you’ve got yourself the Palmpress. Designed to be easy-to-clean, compact, unbreakable, and a whole lot of fun to use, the Palmpress delivers French-press-style coffee using a silicone bellow to create a downward pressure on the coffee concoction. The Palmpress comes relatively the size of a hockey puck, and opens up into a vessel, thanks to the silicone midsection. Make it stand on its base and put your coffee grounds in before adding hot or room-temperature water. After letting the concoction brew, flip the Palmpress over a cup and gently press on the base, allowing the Palmpress to regain its collapsed shape. The brew is automatically ‘pressed’ out due to the high-pressure inside the coffee chamber and voila! You’ve just reinvented the French press and made yourself some pretty tasty coffee in the process too!

Designer: Jess Do

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