Yanko Design

Your House Can Now Be Cleaner Than Ever!


Automatic vacuums are slowing becoming commonplace within the domestic setting, as we let the obedient robot-servants mindlessly roam around our homes, tidying up after our messy and busy lives. But designer Hojun Lee has found a way to seamlessly elevate the functionality of the vacuum, so the space around us is cleaner than ever before!

The 2-in-1 Space Vacuum simultaneously cleans both the ground that we walk on and the air that we breathe, and in such a wonderfully space-efficient way. The compact device doesn’t look dissimilar to a conventional automatic vacuum, however, when both systems are activated the air purifier gently protrudes out of the top surface, allowing it to quickly remove pollutants from the air.

As its intended environment is a domestic setting, it’s of high importance that the aesthetics aren’t offensive! Therefore, it sports a gentle, pebble-like form with subtle surface details and a matte-black finish to create an understated aesthetic.

Designer: Hojun Lee


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