Yanko Design

A Semi-autonomous Semi


Tesla’s big reveal of their upcoming Semi shook up the industry with promises of clean delivery, but the one thing it doesn’t have going for it is autonomy! That’s where the Mercedes Euro-X shines. It’s actually designed as an intermediary step between human-operated trucks and absolute autonomy.

This difference is most obvious in the cabin. It falls somewhere in-between the extreme minimalism of other driverless concepts and current designs. The Euro-X cabin’s pointed face cuts through air to decrease resistance and improve mileage. You won’t find any windows, but that doesn’t mean nobody is on board! A cozy space for a “driver” has been relocated to the center and lower portion of the cabin where they can monitor systems in between kicking back and enjoying the ride! Of course, they can take over during tricky situations or when more attention is required.

Designer: Muyeon Cho

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