Yanko Design

Kinky Cleaning and More!


The MonoPunk series brings a touch of punk to a few everyday items! This collection of electronics, appliances and accessories has undeniable BDSM edginess.

Whether it’s the mask and headphones combo, doggie-wear, or wearable vacuum, each distinct item features all the aggressive trimmings including rivets, hand-stitched black leather, prominent studs and skin-tight harnessing. Show off your rebellious spirit while you clean, jam out, or just walk Fido!

Designer: Cheng-Jay Tsai

“The aim of the project is to bring the punk movement into the modern family setting. Through the use of anti-fashion styling, a user can show their rebellious spirit while performing household chores,” designer Cheng-Jay told YD.

“This backpack vacuum cleaner offers a very different experience from everyday consumer electric appliances. Unlike regular vacuuming, which may be considered a chore, the punk backpack vacuum offers the user the chance to make a statement while doing housework. The design may be considered a criticism of, and reaction to, traditional appliance design”

“This mask/headphone combo features rivets and has a steampunk feel to it. It offers a more private had space than headphones alone, and allows the wearer to display a strong personal identity while enjoying music”

“This pet accessory combines stylishly tailored leather with prominent studding. The canine outfit, which is sure to stun passersby on the street, channels the excitement of a runway fashion show”

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