Yanko Design

Photo Prints in a Jiffy


As easy as it’s become to take photos on a whim, the ability to print our favorites has fallen at the wayside. Why not carry a convenient way to instantly print a picture wherever you want?! The PIK A6 is a sublimation photo printer, which enables the user to get high-quality prints in the fastest possible way. Just connect the printer to the network and then edit and print you pictures.

Not just for personal use at home, PIK has also been designed for use at commercial retailers. Imagine stopping into the bodega to grab a snack and having a picture-perfect print ready when you check out!

Designer: Philippe Vossel

The data is transmitted through the app, it works on the local network or even over the Internet, fast and intuitive. With the smartphone close by printers can be found, images can be edited, or if public prints can be paid.

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