Yanko Design

5-Days of TouchOfModern Giveaways – Day 3

Day Three brings us great illumination from the folks at TouchOfModern. These people are incredibly design driven, which is why they feature such innovative product design ate great prices! Now imagine you have hosted this incredible New Year party and need to create the perfect ambience. Vola! Lune’s graceful light will do just that for you! Want to win one? Hit the jump to know how.

TouchOfModern is giving away something different on Yanko Design for the next 2 days. Winners will be chosen daily, each contest ends at 11:59 PM PST.

To Win The Lune Light by Cielux


Lune Light by Cielux

The Lune’s graceful design is matched by its easy use. Simply tap or “touch and hold” to turn the light on and off, change colors, dim the unit and more. This piece doesn’t have switches, knobs, or buttons—a touch is all it takes.

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