Yanko Design

Vac for the Future

During the summer of 2010, organizations expressing concern for the environment around the world headed out to the ocean to collect marine debris. Once they had a bunch, the sent it (I’m assuming in a zip-lock bag) to appliance mater Electrolux to see what they could do with it. Basically, Electrolux took out the mould and got moulding. With this debris, Electrolux created “Vacs from the Sea.”

Each model vacuum you see here is obviously unique, having been made from debris cleaned out of the sea in an effort not only to make the sea a cleaner place to be, but also to create awareness for the world. Awareness for everyone to see how terribly polluted the vast wakes of water are, but if you ask me, awareness for everyone to see how AWESOME that stuff is and how they should drive their boats out there and get it. Colors!

Designer: Electrolux

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