Yanko Design

A New Gloriette

The rich French. What they can do is extraordinary. Especially when you’re talking about their great tracts of land and the way they’ve had them designed and laid out. In this post, you’ll need to know the term “gloriette.” A gloriette is a structure or building constructed in a garden setting made to work with and compliment the surrounding area. This term “gloriette” comes from 12th century French and means “little glory.” What we’ve got here, designed by the Campaña brothers for Veuve Clicquot, is the “La Gloriette,” a contemporary version of the gloriette done in the playful nature of our modern day design world.

Veuve Clicquot is both a champagne house in Reims, France and a brand of premium champagne. This “La Gloriette” was made to sit near this house in France. This house being a place that’s a perfect model of 19th century French gardens, a gloriette was a perfect accent to be built. The Campaña brothers have created a piece of art that is “intended to celebrate the art of playful conversation and the enjoyment of good food and drink.” Drink especially, I’m sure.

What a lovely reflection of this sensual brand of drink.

NOTE: below you’ll see the structure at Maison&Objet in Paris at the Veuve Clicquot Bar as well as at the intended location, that being at the Veuve Clicquot house in Reims, France.

Designers: Veuve Clicquot and the Campaña brothers

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