Yanko Design

Be Your Own Lighter

Are you one of the enlightened few that can play music with an instrument well? If you are, or if you think you are, thank you! I love when people release fabulously constructed strings of notes into the atmosphere for all to hear. Really really! How about you who can stand behind a photo camera and take truly well-crafted pictures? How would you like to employ one of the oft-forgotten most important weapons in the music-players arsenal? The music stand. How would you like to have a light upon it?

This project right here is called “Lichtnote” or light note- music stand for light composition. It being as light and easy to transport as your average music stand upon which only bits of paper are meant to stand, you’d never expect it to do more duty. Buy hay! Here’s a piece of equipment, one that’s usually very heavy, the light stand, that you can now whisk lightly!

And it’s got a light fitment that filters and directs the light in such a way that you can’t help but desire to use it in every shot.

Designer: Tobias Juretzek for DUA

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