Yanko Design

R U Down W/ Fluorescent?

The quest for the new fabulous lighting fixture continues. What have we got here? A spaceship named “Sputnik.” Our newest obsession Oliver Schick has this T-8 fluorescent tube pendant luminaire whipped up and ready to take on the 70’s today! In an effort to revitalize the “clunky” ringshaped tube of that Star Wars era, Schick creates this space-inspired hanging lamp to keep the “time-tested” lighting solution alive!

According to Schick, fluorescent lights are still worth the time and effort companies put into them. Now he didn’t use those words exactly, but building a lamp around them certainly evokes such thoughts!

Now check this out: here I am, Chris Burns, design and green conscious new apartment owner – I want to know if Schick has the best solution to lighting a modern abode. I need your help to figure this out! My question for all of you is: if you were to purchase (or make?) a lamp right now, which one in the whole world would you choose?

Designer: Oliver Schick

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