Yanko Design

Electric Wheel on a Stick

It is an electrically powered wheel on a stick. That’s what it is. It’s called the “speedBat.” But it is so much more. You ever been inline-skating and just got totally tired of pumping but really basically just wanted to continue to go fast forward? See what’s going on here yet? Yeah? Yeah. Auto-skate time is now.

What the speedBat consists of is a small electric motor, a stick, and a really nice adjustable multi-function handle. That’s it! For those of you who’ve had their dog pull them speedily down the street, so fast that you fall right on your face and continue to get dragged until your whole face is ripped off!!!! -well, this is for you.

Also since I’m sure someone’ll mention it: the stick gets traction from the weight of the motor. It’s no light venture here mang. Take a peek at the video and wish for a flat top.

Designer: Shay Shafranek

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