Yanko Design

Social Media at its Apex

No need to be mean now! It’s not insane to collect one’s tears, is it? No way! How about droplets of nose-liquid, sweat, urine, and stomach contents? It is this collection of body contents that the project called “Native Commodities” aims to measure. It aims to test the limits. The limits of “sharing, manufacturing, and interacting with biological data from our bodies.” HOOARF – barfing included. Three spittoon-type objects made for capturing disgusting data.

In his own words:

As genome technologies promote the open sourcing of the human body, could such data participation one day be extended into other forms of biological manufacture? Synthetic biology and nanotechnologies have made it possible to reprogramme cells, but would we be prepared to consider using our bodies to do this? – WC

Yes. Yes I think this would translate just perfectly into another form, aka the next step, of insano world-community sharing. Not just as Mr. Carey states, but as the internet dictates. Sharing with one another not only what you do with every moment of your time, (I’m looking at you, tweeples,) but what your body does with itself every day! The video below is a MUST WATCH.

Wholly disgusting, interesting, wonderful!

Designer: Will Carey

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