Yanko Design

Fork, Spoon… Cheese-grater?

We get some weird submissions here at Yanko, that’s for sure. What say you is the greatest combination of two tools in the history of humankind? The spork, of course! And here’s what might be the next step in human evolution. Not only is this tool, the “Implement Six,” a fork, not only is it a spoon… it’s a cheese grater. It can grate your cheese and you can eat it too! Just what I need for camping.

This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. When I am camping and happen upon the rare and elusive cheesebearing tree, I’ve always gotta eat hunks of cheese whole! But now, all that is over. Now, I’ve got just the tool to make my life all that much easier!

And it’s for righties and lefties, too!

Also pictured is an earlier iteration with no spoonfork spork hand. Clearly it is seriously inferior.

Designer: Scott Graham

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