Yanko Design

Self-sustaining Flower That Blooms At Dusk

My mentor educated me that a good design also contributes toward a stable environment and does take into account its implications toward pollution and emissions. I call the Light Flower a good design, because it follows this norm to the T. If you must light your garden pathway, it may as well be with this illuminating flower. Autonomous and sensitive, it harnesses wind energy effectively to power itself.

The super-sensitive propeller rotates even at the slightest breeze, tanking up the energy for the light, for later use. A light sensor switch ensures that the light automatically switches off during daytime and comes on at dusk.

Intelligent, sensitive, smart and autonomous…almost sounds like my man than this Light Flower!

Designer: Djordje Cukanovic

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZi8oPvYtQ0 468 344]

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