Yanko Design

Ticker Tape Only Feeds Good News

Ticker Tape is an internet radio for people who suffer from Euphobia, “a persistent, abnormal and unwanted fear of hearing good news”. Using RSS feeds, Ticker Tape scans for light-hearted news stories from around the world broadcasting them to the listener who can manage the content via the Ticker Tape website. Pulling the cord allows the listener to choose the duration of the broadcast. The origin of the news stories can be selected by turning the dial – old school style with a web 2.0 twist. The original intent of the project was to help cure a phobia, it can also be used to create more insightful solutions for interactive technology. Changing one’s mindset as a designer and moving away from market-driven designs and thinking about solutions from a completely different perspective, can encourage new interactions and designs to emerge. This project explores new interfaces for the future of digital radio and is part of wider ongoing research.

Designer: Will Carey

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